
Municipals were little changed and lightly traded ahead of the midterm elections while U.S. Treasuries were weaker across the curve and equities improved. Triple-A yields were little changed to a basis point or two firmer 10 years and out while the U.S. Treasury two-year climbed to another high not seen since 2007. Muni to UST
A Rhode Island charter school plans to upgrade and expand with proceeds from a $12.7 million Rhode Island Health and Educational Building Corporation bond sale that closed Oct. 26. Proceeds from the sale are destined for Blackstone Valley Prep Mayoral Academy, a private charter school based in Cumberland seeking capital to purchase and renovate a
The Internal Revenue Service’s Tax Exempt & Government Entities Division is making clear there will be a beefier IRS presence in the coming year, which may be both a boon and a hindrance to issuers and their attorneys. The TE/GE 2023 Program Letter wasreleased online Friday and lists the division’s priorities for the fiscal year.
The looming severance of governance ties between Chicago Public Schools and the city adds to strains on the district’s “fragile” fiscal health as federal COVID-19 pandemic relief is being exhausted and structural costs are mounting. That’s the assessment of a review that delves into CPS finances and how Chicago and other city-related entities prop up
Municipals were weaker in secondary trading Thursday as a $1 billion-plus deal from the City and County of Denver took focus in the primary and mutual fund outflows grew by another $2.4 billion. U.S. Treasury yields rose, with the two-year seeing the greatest losses, and equities ended in the red as markets continue to digest
A report co-produced by the National League of Cities and The Public Finance Initiative expected to be issued Nov. 17 will address if and how bond issuers can help correct racial injustice. The report, work on which was announced in January, was funded by a $4 million grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.  The
FHN Financial Capital Markets now has banking boots on the ground in Ohio with the hiring of Kathleen Clark. Clark joined the firm as a vice president in Columbus earlier this month after more than two decades at Fifth Third Securities where she worked on more than $5 billion of bond and note financings. Clark
Robert Radigan has joined Squire Patton Boggs as partner in the Public & Infrastructure Finance Practice in New York, the firm announced on Monday. Radigan has a lot of experience with public finance projects and has represented many different organizations including housing authorities, governmental issuers and nonprofits, such as hospitals, universities, schools and cultural facilities.  “With
The New Jersey Turnpike Authority is scheduled to close next week on a $700 million revenue bond deal. The Series 2022B bonds priced Oct. 13. Proceeds are destined for improvement projects across the 290 miles of roadway that make up the New Jersey Turnpike and Garden State Parkway.  The scheduled work will include “capacity enhancements
Bondholders and the Puerto Rico Oversight Board reached a deal on the payment of Puerto Rico appropriation debt that was structured to pay 6.4% of what is owed plus some interest. The deal on Public Finance Corp. bonds was announced Wednesday on the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board’s EMMA disclosure website. There is $1.09 billion in